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“A million dead. A million fled” is Mr. Nicholson’s lead falsehood promoting yet another “Irish Famine” book (Irish Echo, Mar. 16 – 22, page 20).


Is it still too soon to publicize the truth about Ireland’s Holocaust; now, 171 years after its start? It was no “famine” but a genocide perpetrated by more than half of Britain’s then-empire army. Ireland’s abundant food crops were removed at gunpoint by sixty-seven of Britain’s total army of 130 regiments. They marched Ireland's crops to the nearest port for export to England and world markets, thus murdering some five million innocents. It is shocking that The Irish Echo would allocate a full page to a promotion of the old falsehood. The offending book claims to be taking the Irish side; so did Tony Blair in 1997 when his “apology to the Irish” was read by Irish actor Gabriel Byrne at the Millstreet, Co. Cork "famine" commemoration. Blair "apologized" that Britain was “standing by” while Ireland starved. Deploying sixty-seven army regiments to remove Ireland’s food crops is not “standing by.” The perpetration of genocide is action; not “standing by.” Also, the failure of one crop among many is a setback, not life-threatening. 

“Irish famine” slanders the murdered starvelings and conceals genocide. It suggests, falsely, that “they fell into a lethal rap of their own making by growing only one failure-prone crop.” The genocidal robbery of Ireland's food crops was “legal;” English landlords then claimed ownership of some 90% of Irish land and practically all produced thereon. The constabulary (Britain’s eyes and ears in Ireland) were the first line of removal. When the producers resisted, the constabulary notified the county militia (landlords’ private army). When combined forces met resistance they summoned the nearest British army garrison. The three forces combined never failed to extract the food crops. Ireland’s hundreds of identified mass graves constitute silent testimony to the effect of the food removal. The landlords are long-gone; bought out and repatriated to England; nearly all between 1900 and 1910. 

It is distressing that The Irish Echo would publish Mr. Nicholson’s blatant cover-up. He misrepresents the writings of Liam Flaherty and Walter Macken who quite explicitly detailed the core fact that Nicholson conceals; the food removal by the British army. If we expect to ever end genocide as government policy we must expose genocide, not continue to conceal it.The facts are available since 1995 in my “Mass Graves of Ireland; 1845-1850” pamphlet that was also distributed to 15,000 attendees of the Millstreet event mentioned above. My www.irishholocaust.org expands on the pamphlet. Click repeatedly on its map to see which regiment starved your relatives.  
While “famine” writers soon abandoned some 90% of their falsehoods (e.g.; “no food was exported while Ireland starved”), they started a new one: “It was the rich Irish starving the poor Irish.” So I compiled “the definitive study;” a book that just had its third printing (2nd Dublin one). Its data are from incontrovertible sources; Britain’s National Archives, Parliamentary Papers, Ordnance Survey of Ireland, etc. Its title; “Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it ‘Perfect’.” All proceeds go toward installation of memorials over Holocaust mass graves in Ireland. ("Holocaust" from written records starting in 1847.) E-Book later this year. 

Christopher Fogarty